Now that the 2018 Prefrontal Tour is over (and it's been raining like hell all day) it's time for the "closure episode", e.g. reflections and ruminations from the road. We saw a lot on the round-trip, and it was interesting to compare one state to another during our journey. Some interesting statistics - days away: 18... miles traveled: 7,637... average miles per travel day: 408... most miles in a single day: 610... altitude traversed: 279,333 feet... top speed: 101 mph (it was a long desert highway honey, I swear)... typical average speed: 70 mph... most frequently sighted sleeping animal: white-tailed deer... where most sighted: Nebraska... best scenery, twisties, and roads (quality): California... worst roads (quality): Iowa, by a long shot! The tour, for me at least, was made possible by a variety of gear including the bike. Aside from the travails with the reverse mechanism, I came to appreciate the cruise control on those 500+ mile days, the adjustable windshie...